the female gaze

Look with your eyes, not with your hands.

Such a minute fraction of this life do we live: so much is sleep, tooth-brushing, waiting for mail, for metamorphosis, for those sudden moments of incandescence: unexpected, but once one knows them, one can live life in the light of their past and the hope of their future.

A grad student muses on her life, film, friends, politics, reality televizzle, and music.

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"The story of your life is not your life, it's your story" -- John Barth
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Spent my weekend like a foolish teeny-bopper partying like a rock star - for no good reason. After Friday night's very good Ozu double header (the most consistent program yet), I ventured out into the cold Wisconsin night with some of my grad school compatriots. We polished off an impressively sad number of PBR pitchers and then went to another bar to unofficially crash a non-date/date of another friend. Closed the place down and after that, still not satisifed, brought back friends to my apartment where we ate partially frozen fish sticks and Eric spilled 1/2 a bottle of three buck Chuck on my kitchen floor at quarter to 4 in the morning.

I have certainly felt worse in my life, but Saturday I paid the price for a night of craziness. I spent most of the day having ad headache, lounging in my pajamas suffering through Vincente Minelli's Gigi - of which, I have to do a rather detailed assignment to do for class.

Then Mark and I cleaned up the old apartment, Eric came over and we went shopping for the little get-together we had planned (before the Friday night debaucherie). We made snacks, ingredients for gin punch, and bought the makings of a beer bong - yeah, we're cool like that. We had about 20 people over the course of the evening - and it was fun, but I was tired and kind of under-the-weather. The guests stayed late making two nights in a row of compromised sleep. In actuality, it's becoming the part of the semester where I don't have the time for gallavanting and irresponsibility, but I am trying to make up for that today. My goal is to get my weekly reading done today, send out a conference abstract, and free up the rest of my time during the week to go to the libary and the historical society archives to work on my term papers, one of which I don't even have a very good topic for. Tonight, I am introducing the German film at 7... sounds like a real uplifting one - The Plot to Assasinate Hitler, so in part, it just feels like a wasted weekend. Amazingly, it's already half-way through the semester - not sure where the time really went and not sure what to do for my papers. I guess the scarier thing is that I haven't even begun to think about my comprehensive exams yet (April) and in an ideal world, I'd be able to get everything done for class now and even look over old notes or outline a book or two... but sadly, it's just not happenning.