the female gaze

Look with your eyes, not with your hands.

Such a minute fraction of this life do we live: so much is sleep, tooth-brushing, waiting for mail, for metamorphosis, for those sudden moments of incandescence: unexpected, but once one knows them, one can live life in the light of their past and the hope of their future.

A grad student muses on her life, film, friends, politics, reality televizzle, and music.

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Wednesday, November 03, 2004
I just can't believe this - it's actually unbelievable.

Maybe I am biased because I spent this election season in a swing state and smack in the middle of Kerry country. At the very least, it made me see what is really necessary to win a race - non-stop political ads, supporters, phones ringing off the hook, people knocking down my door to make sure I went out and voted. Just the same - yesterday at 5pm - this city was a completely flurry of Kerry signs, honking drivers, signs, stickers, buttons and students lined up to vote. If this isn't enough - I don't know what is. How is it at all possible that Bush controls so much of the country and 11 states are willing to step up and legalize discrimination.

An old Middlebury pal, Andrew, was in town and we watched the miserable returns together last night. He thinks it's time for another Hartford Convention in which the New England States get together and discuss secession from the Union. Maybe the War of 1812 wasn't enough to warrant rogue behaviors like this - but certainly, in this day and age, it's worth revisiting the topic.

While watching the election returns, my roommate chimed the brilliant line, "I only pray during haircuts and presidential elections."

It occured to me today that the Democratic platform is strikingly like the Canadian way of living. State-run healthcare, cheap drugs, better pensions for the old, reasonable basic social freedoms, and a foreign policy based on commonsense and allies... maybe there is more truth to this "I am moving to Canada" mantra than we all realized.

America, we totally shit the bed on this one.

Big test tomorrow... but finding it very hard to concentrate and memorize the Hollywood studio heads and personnel.