the female gaze

Look with your eyes, not with your hands.

Such a minute fraction of this life do we live: so much is sleep, tooth-brushing, waiting for mail, for metamorphosis, for those sudden moments of incandescence: unexpected, but once one knows them, one can live life in the light of their past and the hope of their future.

A grad student muses on her life, film, friends, politics, reality televizzle, and music.

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"The story of your life is not your life, it's your story" -- John Barth
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Monday, November 08, 2004
I think I had a cold of the conscience. I was wholled up in my apartment all weekend sniffling and feeling "foggy" - and while I certainly had physical symptoms, I think this condition was brought on by a general sense of "being behind" that has been a problem this semester. So I stayed in, I worked on research papers and feel more caught up than usual. This isn't the first time this has happened, but sometimes when you stop and take a closer look of what you actually have to do, you end up making more work for yourself. Just the same, I feel like I have direction now (more direction than I had a week ago). The plan is to focus most of my energy into my term papers, even at the expense of skimming weekly readings. I need to log some serious time on the microfiche machine reading old issues of Variety from the 1930s and I need to become an expert on Japanese avant-garde art movements, but hopefully, this work will have a big pay-off in the end.

Eric gave me a wonderful present today - it's a book called "Introducing Postmodernism." It has humorous little cartoons and little one-page summaries of things like structuralism and semiotics. It's totally awesome. If I ever have to make a course-pack on this kind of thing, you better believe I am using this book for much needed comic relief between articles by Jameson and Derrida. I'm such a dork, but this book is totally awesome.

I am working on a lot of things simultaneously at the moment, but I think I am ready for the week ahead and trying for a big puch before Thanksgiving break. We'll see, huh?

For the record, I haven't seen The Incredibles yet, although I really, really want to. So refrain talking about it in front of me. I am torturing Patrick making him wait too - so we can see it together in CT. Maybe with a double-feature of the new Bridget Jones, if I play my cards right...